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Sunday, February 23, 2014

Interesting Facts about FOP

  • The University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine is the only laboratory in the U.S. dedicated to FOP research
  • $1.5 million every year is spent on FOP research
    • 75% of the funds come from FOP family fundraising and donations
    • 25% of the funds come from institutional support
  • The International FOP Association funds the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine with $500,000 annually
  • FOP literally means "soft connective tissue that progressively turns to bone"
    • FOP was originally known as "Myositis ossificans progressiva", which means "muscle turns progressively to bone
  • FOP doesn't affect brain activity or IQ
  • FOP does not affect smooth muscle tissues
    • Intestines
    • Eye muscles
    • Respiratory tract
    • Stomach
    • Bladder
    • Cardiac muscles
  • There was a petition for government funding of FOP at Oxford University in 2013
    • Of the 100,000 signatures needed to pass the petition, only 1,086 signatures were sent


  1. I'm 13 years old and am doing a project on FOP. This helped! Thank you!

  2. I am 13 years old as well and this made my day thank you!!!

  3. I am 10 yrs old and this helped!!
